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Linked List

What is a Linked List?

Linked List is a sequence of Nodes that are connected/linked to each other.

The most defining feature of a Linked List is that each Node references the next Node in the link.

Linked list is linear data structures, which means that there is a sequence and an order to how they are constructed and traversed.

The entry point to a linked list is called the head. The head is a reference to the first node in the linked list. The last node on the list points to null. If a list is empty, the head is a null reference.

Memory management

Linked lists don’t need to take up a single block of memory; instead, the memory that they use can be scattered throughout.

Parts of a linked list

A linked list can be small or huge, but no matter the size, the parts that make it up are actually fairly simple.

A linked list is made up of a series of Nodes, which are the elements of the list.

Head is The starting point of the list is a reference to the first node.

Null is The end of the list rather than a Node.

** The Node has just two parts [data, reference to the next node] as a singly linked list and three parts [data, reference to the next node, reference to the previous node] as a doubly linked list or it can be circular linked list [it has a node that acts as the tail of the list].

what is Big O?

Big O Notation is a way of evaluating the performance of an algorithm.

And it is a way to express the amount of time that a function, action, or algorithm takes to run based on how many elements we pass to that function.

the two types of Big O equations to remember are O(1) and O(n).

An O(1) function takes constant time, which is to say that it doesn’t matter how many elements we have, or how huge our input is: it’ll always take the same amount of time and memory to run our algorithm.

An O(n) function is linear, which means that as our input grows the space and time that we need to run that algorithm grows linearly.

rearrange our pointers.

*8To insert a Node at the beginning.

If we accidentally end up doing step 3 before step 2, we end up in a bit of a mess.

** To insert a Node at the beginning.


A linked list is a linear data structure, in which the elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations. The elements in a linked list are linked using pointers. In simple words, a linked list consists of nodes where each node contains a data field and a reference to the next node in the list.

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